Upcoming Class Reunions

Saturday, Oct. 19 (50-Year Reunion)
Contact Kathleen Pierce, kpierce14@gmail.com, for more details.

Planning a class reunion? Contact the Alumni Association at aohsalumni@smacatholic.org so we can assist with providing contact information for classmates, gathering class composites and displays, as well as helping to promote. In addition, classes are welcome to host reunions on the campus of St. Michael and celebrate Mass in the Chapel of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.

To ensure that you receive your invitation to an upcoming reunion, click here to update your contact information.

History of O’Hara

Located in Kansas City, Mo., Archbishop O’Hara High School was a co-educational Catholic high school in the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph. It opened in the fall of 1965 with the Christian Brothers, Sisters BVM and lay teachers as the home of the Celtics until its closure in 2017.

Founded on Lasallian education that focuses on Catholic values and personal relationships, emphasizing academic excellence, faith formation, inclusion, respect for the individual, service, and social justice, O’Hara strived to enrich each student’s cultural, intellectual, physical, social, and spiritual development with the help of De La Salle’s Christian Brothers.

Celtic Legacy Continues

The Celtic spirit lives on at SMA through the following traditions:

  • The green color in the logo represents O’Hara

  • Students recite the Lasallian prayer “Live, Jesus, in our hearts. Forever!” at the end of each day

  • Celtic Stride, now known as the Guardian Stride, takes place during Homecoming Week

  • Mass of Remembrance is celebrated each November in memory of the deceased O’Hara alumni and faculty

  • An annual golf tournament is held each summer as a fundraiser for Catholic education

  • O’Hara memorabilia and keepsakes are proudly displayed throughout the school

  • The Guardian community includes many O’Hara alumni who are faculty, parents and donors

O’Hara Memorabilia

The O’Hara Alumni Association is proud to partner with St. Michael in keeping the Celtic legacy alive. As the successor to O’Hara, St. Michael is the trusted custodian of all things green and gold, better known as “Celtic Memorabilia.” St. Michael proudly displays O’Hara keepsakes throughout the school, in addition to giving the Alumni Association a secure place to store additional memorabilia and photos, which can be used for reunions.

O’Hara Alumni Association Board Members

Kay Soulis, ‘69
David Hardy, ‘70
Mary Jo (Post) Sandberg, ‘77
Kerry Dugan-Eckart, ‘84
Maddy Salanski, ‘17
